Join Us

Cullowhee 2018

Join us in promoting the enjoyment and conservation of North Carolina’s native plants and their habitats through education, protection, cultivation, and advocacy.

Membership Dues:

Student: $15/yr Individual: $25/yr ($70/3 yrs., $500 Lifetime) Family: $35/yr ($100/3 yrs., $700 Lifetime) Businesses & Organizations: $50/yr

Benefits for Members:

  • Four Newsletters each year, with articles and illustrations by professional and amateur contributors.
  • Field Trips to natural areas including Nature Conservancy and Natural Heritage sites, plus local excursions.
  • Programs presented by professional and amateur speakers.
  • Frequent Access to hard-to-find native plants, through our sales, auctions, and exchanges.
  • Native Plant Rescues to natural areas that are slated for development.
  • Opportunities to work in rare native plant preservation efforts, restoration, and maintenance projects to preserve our natural heritage.
  • Membership in chapters connecting you with native plant enthusiasts in your community.

Our membership year runs from June 1st to May 31st. New members who join after December 1st of a fiscal year will be considered paid for the following fiscal year.

To pay online, click the Membership Application button.  To pay by check, download, and mail in this .