Plants listed alphabetically by scientific name.
Thumbnail Common name,
link to Portrait
Scientific name Native / Alien (1)
Showy Orchis Showy Orchis Galearis spectabilis (=Orchis spectabilis) Native
Pinebarren gentian Pinebarren Gentian Gentiana autumnalis Native
Striped Gentian Striped Gentian Gentiana villosa Native
Fringed Gentian Fringed Gentian Gentianopsis crinita Native
Wild geranium blossom Wild Geranium Geranium maculatum Native
Gerardia blooms Gerardia, Smooth False Foxglove Gerardia laevigata (=Aureolaria laevigata) Native
Rattlesnake plantain Downy Rattlesnake Plantain Goodyera pubescens Native
Rattlesnake plantain Lesser Rattlesnake Orchid Goodyera repens Native

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